Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Week 3: Efforts to bring main stream gaming into teacher education

This week we are discussing on the use of gaming for teacher education.
Turkan Karakus, Kajal Shah and myself will be presenting our work: Alternative Technology Exploratorium -- Efforts to bring main stream gaming into teacher education.

This work was presented at the at the 5th Games+Learning+Society Conference that took place last July at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Suggested explorations:
Games, Learning, and Society research group at the University of Wisconsin-Madison
Chris Dede’s work from the Harvard Graduate School of Education: River City, a MUVE-based curriculum on scientific inquiry skills.


  1. This has to do with the ITEC conference that was alluded to at seminar this week. I am definitely interested in attending at least one day. I just wanted to put that out there since Ana mentioned if enough people wanted to go, we could take an ISU vehicle. I think I heard that right anyway. So if there are others interested, we should get together to figure out a day we could go. Thanks!

  2. Also wanted to note the Epistemic Games group at UWMadison that looks pretty independent from the Games Learning Society group. Epistemic Games is led by David W. Shaffer, a good guy I know from grad school.


  3. I really enjoyed listening to this seminar and found gaming in the classroom to be such an interesting teaching/learning experience. As a teacher I see how students would benefit from this interactive alternative instruction, especially if their was constant reflection going on. I would love to be able to try different games in my classroom.

    I also see some issues that might arise when implementing this into a typical classroom. I know from experience that there are many teachers in the school system who aren't comfortable using technology in their instruction. They have been teaching a certain way for years and it's hard for them to stray from that teaching style. How would those teachers be influence or encouraged to switch to this alternative tool? Any thoughts?

    Again, I think educational gaming is such a great idea and I would love to see it in the school systems.
