Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Week 4: Using Second Life for Science Education

Dr. EJ Bang ( is going to talk about: “Using Second Life for Science Education”


  1. I just checked our seminar in itunes...great idea. Thanks for doing this.

  2. I loved Dr. Bang's presentation. She was so excited and passionate about it that it kept my attention. I wish I had thought of this question when Dr. Correia thought that I had raised my hand to ask a question. :-) Anyway, my question was has Dr. Bang actually had first-year teachers take part in this project? I don't think that was ever clear. Also, is this second life for science TEACHERS supposed to extend to second life for teaching their students? Either I missed that info. or it wasn't mentioned. Just wondering!

  3. This is my take on Laurel's question: I think that Dr. Bang has been doing this kind of projects with teachers at several stages of their careers, with an emphasis on pre-service teachers. I guees that the ultimate goal is having new teachers bringing this innovation to the classrooms as resources increases and technology advances.

  4. I agree that this is such an interesting topic and a great presentation. If new teachers bring this innovation into their schools, they can start a powerful movement. Some teachers might drag their feet, but if these new teachers inform, coach, and motivate, they can make a difference.
